Why Your Skincare Isn’t Working!

You've likely spent a fortune on skincare that doesn't seem to do the trick. Often, I hear people say that they've tried everything when it comes to skincare and nothing seems to work. Keep reading to see 5 reasons why your skincare might not be working.

  • Not Using The Correct Products For Your Skin Type-

Stop following the latest beauty trends. As much as they seem like a great idea on social media, chances are you will end up disappointed. It's important to understand that not every person's skin type is the same - what works for one person will more than likely, not work for you.

  • Not Using Products Correctly-

When you use a skincare product incorrectly, it can lead to skin issues and your products become less effective or it will cause a host of other problems. I see this most often with exfoliating products (such as scrubs, retinol, etc.,) that are being overused.

  • Products Take Time To Work-

It's easy to get discouraged when your skincare routine doesn't seem like it is working. It can takes weeks, sometimes months, to see the changes you are wanting. The skincare game is a marathon, not a sprint.

  • Not Being Consistent-

    I know how hard it can be when we don't use something consistently, but that often leads more to a lack of success than anything else - especially with skincare products. Consistency is key to hitting those skincare goals.

  • Not Seeing An Esthetician-

    Going to an esthetician to get a tailored skincare regime can save you money and headaches in the long run.

Thank you for reading! I hope this article has helped to clear up some of the confusion around why your skincare routine may not be working. As I mentioned, using the right products that have been specifically picked for your skin type and concerns by your esthetician is the best way to see results. I can’t wait to help you achieve healthy, beautiful skin - See you soon at Roman Esthetics!


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